Monday, May 15, 2017

Snapshot: Meet me!

I've always been interested in teaching. My mom and her mom were both teachers, and so was by grandpa. So I knew I wanted to go to college to get my teaching degree. I loved my time at college, and kept busy working at the art museum, performing with dance ensembles and theatre troupes, and taking advantage of the study abroad program. After getting my degree, I taught middle school and high school social studies for four years. I loved every minute of it, but I messed being on a university campus. I decided to specialize in Geography and get a graduate degree so I could teach in higher education. I moved to Indiana from New Mexico to study and teach here at IUB, and should be getting my PhD in a couple years. My research has covered everything from transportation, geopolitics, and landscapes to refugees, race, and immigration.

I like to think that everyone and everything is connected in a million different ways. I've been all over the place, and what I've found is that we're all more alike than we are different. Yet, the Midwest is as different from the Southwest as it is from another country! I've lived in ten states, and been to all but 5. I've also lived in Argentina and Spain for over two years. The more connected we are to other people, countries, and cultures the richer our life becomes. So I like to give as much of my own experience as I can when I teach, and I hope to learn all the stories that people bring.

Akkerman Fortress< Ukraine, Mar 2017

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dan,
    Amy asked me to contact you concerning the focus of your project. She (we) feel that there needs to be more of a focus on a specific global issue. The ideas your group was working around were good but didn't really focus on a specific issue. Here is a link to an article Amy sent me. The "Global Learning" section is helpful in examining specific issues. Once you all choose an issue, you may be able incorporate some of the activities you have already discussed. Remember, Monday through Thursday you can develop "lessons" and activities that focus on your issue and lead to your final product that will be presented on Friday. Please let me know if you need anything.


Day 4!

We have to keep up with our students! If we unleash them to be truly creative, they will push past all the boundaries we imagined and surpri...